2023 AGM Agenda

Surrey Branch AGM held on Tuesday 14th November 2023. Starting @ 8.00pm.

The SNOC committee have fine-tuned the Branch Constitution and it will now be put to the members at the Branch AGM planned for 14th November 2023. Our draft Constitution, as sent to the NOC Directors, needed no serious changes which was excellent news.


a) Minutes from last AGM 8th November 2022
b) Matters arising from the minutes
c) Chairman’s Report 2023 (Phil Hannam)
d) Secretary’s Report 2023 (Dave Cooper)
e) Press Officer/Events Reports 2023 (Anthony Curzon)
f) Facilities Officer Report 2023 (Simon Smith)
g) Website Officer Report 2023 (John Blades)
h) Treasurer’s  Report 2023 (Howard Robinson)

i) Standing down and re-election of Committee

The present committee is as follows:
Hon Chairman – Phil Hannam
Hon Secretary – David Cooper
Hon Treasurer  – Howard Robinson
Events Co-ordinator  – Anthony Curzon
Facilities Officer  – Simon Smith
Press Officer  – Anthony Curzon
Website Officer  – John Blades

The existing committee members will all be standing down so if anyone would like to put their names
down for any of the positions on the committee please let us know. You will need a proposer and
seconder.  Club members can also be co-opted (if willing) to support the running of the Branch. This helps to share the load and makes everybody’s life much easier. Helping to set up an event display being a good example of this.

j) Ratification of Constitution: The NOC branches are now independent clubs affiliated to NOC
Ltd. Therefore we need out own written constitution. Our proposed Constitution has been
prepared and comments from Branch members and NOC Ltd have been received and
incorporated. It will be put forward to a Branch vote for ratification.

k) Branch Subscription

l) Club Events: Proposals are invited. E.g.:
Quiz Night for December
Games Night for January
Technical talks. Members suggestions are invited
Travel talks. Are these popular?
Members’ bikes?
List of events will be circulated periodically by the Secretary in the New Year. Also see NOC
website for planned Branch events.

m) Ride Outs:

To be confirmed at later dates in the New Year. These may be proposed at short notice,
depending of weather etc. All Branch member are welcome to propose events for your
Secretary to circulate to all Branch members.

n) National Events:
NOC and VMCC at Sammy Miller’s Museum 15 May 2024
NOC International Rally – Spain – 6th -10th June 2024
NOC National Rally – Corbridge, Northumberland – 5th-8th July 2024

o) SNOC Club Member of the Year: TBC

p) Facilities Officer
Please NOTE:  Simon Smith has decided to stand down as our Facilities Officer at our next AGM in 2024.
Please can somebody consider taking over this position? We shall need someone who is able and
prepared to store our trailer and club gazebo.

q) Any Other Business

r) Meeting Closed

Other Upcoming Events
7:30 pm Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Aug 27 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
All Norton enthusiast are welcome to our monthly branch meetings at The Stepping Stones pub at Westhumble, very close to Box Hill just north of Dorking in Surrey. A programme of activities includes guest speakers,[...]
7:30 pm Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Sep 24 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
All Norton enthusiast are welcome to our monthly branch meetings at The Stepping Stones pub at Westhumble, very close to Box Hill just north of Dorking in Surrey. A programme of activities includes guest speakers,[...]
7:30 pm Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Oct 22 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
All Norton enthusiast are welcome to our monthly branch meetings at The Stepping Stones pub at Westhumble, very close to Box Hill just north of Dorking in Surrey. A programme of activities includes guest speakers,[...]
7:30 pm Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Nov 26 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
All Norton enthusiast are welcome to our monthly branch meetings at The Stepping Stones pub at Westhumble, very close to Box Hill just north of Dorking in Surrey. A programme of activities includes guest speakers,[...]
7:30 pm Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Dec 24 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
All Norton enthusiast are welcome to our monthly branch meetings at The Stepping Stones pub at Westhumble, very close to Box Hill just north of Dorking in Surrey. A programme of activities includes guest speakers,[...]
7:30 pm Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Jan 28 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
All Norton enthusiast are welcome to our monthly branch meetings at The Stepping Stones pub at Westhumble, very close to Box Hill just north of Dorking in Surrey. A programme of activities includes guest speakers,[...]
7:30 pm Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Feb 25 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
All Norton enthusiast are welcome to our monthly branch meetings at The Stepping Stones pub at Westhumble, very close to Box Hill just north of Dorking in Surrey. A programme of activities includes guest speakers,[...]
7:30 pm Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Mar 25 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
All Norton enthusiast are welcome to our monthly branch meetings at The Stepping Stones pub at Westhumble, very close to Box Hill just north of Dorking in Surrey. A programme of activities includes guest speakers,[...]
7:30 pm Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Apr 22 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
All Norton enthusiast are welcome to our monthly branch meetings at The Stepping Stones pub at Westhumble, very close to Box Hill just north of Dorking in Surrey. A programme of activities includes guest speakers,[...]
7:30 pm Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
Surrey Branch Club Night new dat... @ Stepping Stones Westhumble
May 27 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
All Norton enthusiast are welcome to our monthly branch meetings at The Stepping Stones pub at Westhumble, very close to Box Hill just north of Dorking in Surrey. A programme of activities includes guest speakers,[...]